
SANS Pen Test Hackfest 2022: Purple Teaming Cloud Identity: Simulation Labs for Red and Blue teams

Links: Slides (PDF) | Slideshare | Video

BSides DFW 2022: Purple Teaming Cloud Identity: Simulation Labs for Red and Blue teams

Links: Slides (PDF) | Slideshare

SANS Pen Test Hackfest Berlin 2022: Do you even Purple Team? Practical Cyber Range use cases

Links: Slides (PDF)

SANS Orlando 2014: RTC Security

Links: Slides (PDF)

DefCon 20: The End of the PSTN As You Know It

Links: Slides (PDF) | Video

DefCon 19: VoIP Hopping the Hotel: Attacking the Crown Jewels through VoIP

Links: Slides (PDF) | Video

DefCon 17: Advancing Video Attacks with video interception, recording, and replay

Links: Slides (PDF) | Video

ShmooCon: VoIP Penetration Testing: Lessons Learned, Tools, and Techniques

Links: Slides (PDF)

ToorCon: VoIP Penetration Testing: Lessons Learned, Tools, and Techniques

Links: Slides (PDF)